Thursday, August 09, 2007

348th post.

so many words dumped here, from times when life was happy and fun and the future appeared rosy and sparkly.

times when I wrote deeply of the things that gave me life

times when shock and disbelief saw me posting using cab sav as the muse

more recently an attempt to rationalise at varying levels the reality of the past 19 months.

soon it will be the 26th anniversary of our wedding.

I look down at my hands. Hands that caressed, held our children, toiled at work, chopped wood, cooked meals, clasped my beloveds hands.

I know my mind continues as always to believe in forgiveness, acceptance, trust and hope.

I move forward now into a time when I confront loss and determine what beginning this apparent end will create.

50 something hours spent away from my security zone, listening and talking to others who have had endured something similar to this alter-reality that I have been pushed into by the vagaries of life.

Storm clouds rolled in this evening, but no matter how bad the storm, a time of sunshine and quiet will return.

The journey continues. The way is unclear, uncertain and oh so confusing. But love endures.


Anonymous said...

I admire your pristine input signal.

Anonymous said...

I admire your pristine input signal.