So a wild Wednesday draws to a close. You ask gentle reader why I use the word wild? Perhaps I know the wildness of the beast within. The sub-clinical depression I was experiencing earlier has moved into a wild rage about the inhumanity of my fellow humans.
From year to year the litany does not change. Israeli soldiers humiliating Palestinians, Sudanese 'arabs' raping children in Dafur, bashings on city and country streets in 'civilised ' countries. aaarrghhh! I am impotent in my anger, my frustration, thanks be to God I can cry out in prayer and call for justice. How long, O Lord, how long?
I seek refuge in my books - for the last three nights I have been rereading "Contemplating Aquinas"
On the varieties of experience . A book guaranteed to stop the average reader in their tracks. Expressions such as: diachronic relation, conceptual linkage, mimetically representative, methodological solipsism, genuinely irreducible semantic triangle: triad reduced to a conjunction of dyads, the quiddity of God, and even more esoteric language permeates the text with liberal quotations from Latin and Greek. A deep familiarity with Plato, Aristotle and Aquinas is presumed and Heidegger captures a portion of the book as well. If I have not already lost thee, oh enlightened reader, you, perhaps, should be blogging not me. Any pretensions that I am a self educated academic fall away in reading such a book, my basic theological and philosophical reading leave me ill prepared to cope with the upper echelons of academia...
Such books however point me towards the light, the hope that all will be well, this vale of tears is but for a time, and gentleness of spirit and love of one another will succeed. Hope must well up eternally in our breasts or else we become but animals.....
Tonight we had
Taize prayer at our local church, one hour in near darkness with the familiar music of mainly European languages chanting praise and worship. I was able to leave my angst with my Lord, and pray for those I know and do not know, for the world in all it remains - imperfect but loveable.
I am glad for my lovely family and for the friends I have both immediate and the internet acquaintances of the past year = people need people it is true, and touching each others lives in a sense touches the godhead in each of us. Peace and goodwill G_72