Friday, June 10, 2005

Which Beatles song personality are you?

Lady Madonna

You have a lot of kids and no time. Wonder how you manage to make ends meet?

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Dear Mr Graham

On behalf of the Government and people of Australia, I wish to congratulate you on your decision to become an Australian citizen. I am delighted to advise that your application has been approved.

Dear Mr Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, w00t!
I don't have to pay uni fees for semester two, yeah!

PS I have been allowed to vote since 1977, but that was not good enough to get a university "edwucation."

Monday, June 06, 2005

A powerful consensus is building for a doubling of aid to Africa among the world's heavyweight donors, except the United States -- a divide that is likely to come into sharp relief this week when British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrives in Washington to meet with President Bush. sfgate

Read discussion at the Agonist