Climbed onto some scales on Friday, I have lost 2 stone since January. Worry and smoking are to blame. I am eating well and actually enjoying the occasional Guinness or stout. It's been busy the last few days, friends and relatives have stayed overnight and it's wonderful to not be the only body in the house.
I am sleeping for longer periods, and actually do not have to get out of bed for a cigarette at 4.00am any more :)
I slept in thise morning deliberately and did not go to 8.00am Mass, I went tonight at 6.00pm at the church that is just down the road. I was pleasantly surprised and uplifted by the people that I knew there. I have maintained contact at my old parish, about 10 minutes away since moving to Nos 72, but it may do me good to start attending the local church rather than the building which has so many memories of good times.
Change comes to us all, and it's important to make changes...
Here's to change!