Sunday, March 19, 2006

Climbed onto some scales on Friday, I have lost 2 stone since January. Worry and smoking are to blame. I am eating well and actually enjoying the occasional Guinness or stout. It's been busy the last few days, friends and relatives have stayed overnight and it's wonderful to not be the only body in the house.

I am sleeping for longer periods, and actually do not have to get out of bed for a cigarette at 4.00am any more :)

I slept in thise morning deliberately and did not go to 8.00am Mass, I went tonight at 6.00pm at the church that is just down the road. I was pleasantly surprised and uplifted by the people that I knew there. I have maintained contact at my old parish, about 10 minutes away since moving to Nos 72, but it may do me good to start attending the local church rather than the building which has so many memories of good times.

Change comes to us all, and it's important to make changes...

Here's to change!


Anonymous said...

Hey Graham,

From your last few posts it sounds like things are looking up for you. I've been praying for that, as have, I'm sure, bunches of your other buds around the world. I will never cease to be amazed at the power of prayer and you will remain in mine.


graham said...

thanks Mark,
You probably saw my Agonist post to ScottM on the prayer of Charles de Foucauld, sometimes it's hard to accept that what we pray may actually come to pass, the ways of the Lord lead us in ways that come as an awful shock. May we always remember to lift our eyes to the mountains, from whence shall come our help! :)

thanks for prayers and for staying in touch.

Anonymous said...

Grey mate! It's good to hear that things are looking up! Hope it continues. Your in my prayers, of course! (and yer in Gram's book, heh!)



Anonymous said...

Hey Graham,

What are your plans for Easter? I'd invite you over and you are cetainly welcome but it's a bit impractical unless you were otherwise intending to visit New Jersey. I ask because it's at the holidays that people who've suffered the kind of loss you have that are the most vulnerable. Hope you've got a plan that puts you among supportive folks.


graham said...

Thanks Mark,
I'll be attending the Easter liturgies over three days and on Sunday will be spending time with my youngest daughter.

I am also hoping for a communication breakthrough by then. That's the thing I am finding hardest to cope with, my SO does not want to talk to me.

Please pray that she will have a change of attitude and will be willing to communicate with me.

Although a holiday would probably do me good, my weekly time with my daughter is important for the two of us. I appreciate very much your concern and offer.