Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Wintry weather has arrived in Canberra. It's cold! The coldness is mitigated somewhat by the appearance of various species of parrots on the grassy verge outside the golf course directly opposite nos 72, however some days white cockatoos take over and drive the "beautiful plumage" parrots away.

Night comes quickly and the darkness falls suddenly. Clouds dark and menacing roll over Canberra but little rain ensues. I remain full of hope, love and faith. I have an inner joy that resonates with the oft quoted comment of Mother Julian all will be well.

Patience is my new middle name, I wait expectantly for the miracle that one day will turn sadness into joy. Once again thank you to all who email me with concern and compassion. Your love enables my love to continue to blossom. The waiting game continues. In the arms of God I continue to "live and move and have my being."

May God bless you also gentle readers!


Anonymous said...

Patience it is! (run)


Candy :D

Anonymous said...

as Bob Dylan states:

But this ol' river keeps on rollin', though,
No matter what gets in the way and which way the wind does blow,
And as long as it does I'll just sit here
And watch the river flow

Anonymous said...

ahhh cool, you have finally made it graham! next will be spamming from viagra :D