Monday, September 05, 2011

Gosh, the last month of winter flew by, and I neglected the muse...

Canberra is glorious, awash in blossoms and daffodils and jonquils and many other lovely flowers.

A feast to soothe the eyes and satisfy the desire for the beautiful.

Life continues to be a mix of sorrow, confusion and trust.

Managed to catch a few hours at explo '11, thanks to invites from B and P. Too many clients to attend the actual healing services. But the music and enthusiasm was fantastic.

Fathers day came and went, and my sorrow deepened and I felt depressed - exacerbated by the news that a dear friend has major visa problems :(

This is the song I have been praying / singing for her :

I Know The Lord

Izolungisindlela yam'
Uma ngihamba ngobungcwele
Ngenz’ okuhle njalo njalo
Ngiyaz’ inkosi
Izolung’ isindlela yam'
I know the Lord will make a way for me (I sing her )
If I live a holy life shun the wrong and do the right
I know the Lord Will make a way for me
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
If I live a holy life shun the wrong and do the right
I know the Lord will make a way for me
God Bless all who seek to walk in the way of the Almighty!

Finally another friend is blogging about her life - see the link lower left, Ability and Rights. Her passion is strong!

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