Saturday, June 07, 2008

Dendy does it again, earlier in the year the projection bulb kept blowing, now this time the projectionist puts some foreign flick on, ten minutes later Then She Found Me begins, but the projectionist has the wrong soundtrack playing... aaarrghhhh....

fortunately the trailer explains the movie fairly well.

the angst ridden colin single betrayed Dad works for me, and my long time love affair with bette continues... the woes of relationship are well explained but the last three minutes of the movie seemed to lack continuity... a deep and meaningful dialogue between Helen and Colin, then quick cut to Helens adoptive bros apartment, then a lingering interaction between Helen and her chinese child..

Could it be that Dendy skipped some scenes as the movie was over time and the long snake of young things waiting to watch sex in the city were getting impatient?

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