other quotes making me peaceful:
"folk spend most of the first half of their lives climbing to the top of a tall building. For many, when they reach the top, they discover it was the wrong building" possibly Joseph Campbell, but to oft quoted to get the original...???
Jacque le Clerc:
perfection is something I create for myself, holiness is given to me by god.. perfection is often humiliated.. holiness never is... is humble
Igumen Nikon:
we realise the sufferings are actually necessary but we can't realise this until we purify ourselvesthrough repentance as often as we plunge again, we don't lose heart on that account. If we repent and continue the battle, we can even draw profit from the plunge.. pray passionately to God, the Lord, for the greatest of all gifts: to see ones' own sins and weep over them. Whoever has this gift has everything.
Somewhere the desert fathers and the sufi too iirc tell us that our gifts and talents are what destroys us.
destruction is only bad if there is no creation following. May I become a creator not a destroyer.
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