Wednesday, November 15, 2006

are you out there:

Mais, si tu m'apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l'un de l'autre

or if latin is more acceptable:-

veritas vos liberabit

well three glasses of lambrusco, pasta and salad on a freezing cold night in late spring makes one melancholic, or is that depressed or just lonely for the one one loves???


Anonymous said...

bonnie boat or gospel plow
the course is onward

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Grey! Sounds like you're relaxing with a good glass of something! Don't understand the French, and although I underwent a Catholic education, Latin and all, I just Dunno what that means, though I think I get the gist! May all good things happen to ya, matey. And patience, sweet patience, hey!

Bestest regards


graham said...

hey mdw & Mothy, thanks for keeping on passing by.

Ever onward, faith and friends keep me sane, and hopeful.

I've deepened so much this year in my understanding of the human condition....

Life is frail, short and uncertain.
But love conquers all.