Tuesday, September 19, 2006

well the extra large photo of moi and the clergy was too big for blogger to process so in the meantime enjoy this puzzle of perception:

It's been a great few days: contact with mothie, mauberly, tfisb, mdw and bronwyn. My brain is congitiving more each day, the dull shock and depression is lifting. The days are getting increasingly warmer. And within a month I will be back living in Canberra again. The hunt for an abode is about to begin.


Anonymous said...

may you have many sunshines to drink cool water in the shade


Anonymous said...

Yeah Grey! Exciting times ahead for ya Matey! Hmmmmmm! Do I see you lounging on a swing/glider on a wide verandah on a warm summer evening, nursing a fine red in a fine crystal glass, overlooking Canberra from a distant but slightly elevated height, hey!? It sure looks like you!!! There's a pond in the foreground abounding with frogs and other assorted wildlife! Sure looks good to me!_

Cheers and best wishes


Anonymous said...

hey Mothie!!!!!!!!!!
yer dreaming! :) :) :) ;)

I have got a nice three bedroom ex govvie, with verandahs that are no where big enough to hang a swing.

But I'll be setting a hammock up in the backyard. No pond, but I've got a veggie garden underway.

A real blessing this house: #7: I had looked at it a few weeks ago, a short walk to my local church and a nice feel about it. I thanked God, and the estate agent was very positive about it also. However on the Friday she rang to say the owners had chosen someone else :(

OK God, said I. And I let go of it, looking at several newer houses in other suburbs, but no enthusiasm...

Then a phone call asking was I still interested. Yes I was and into the car I jumped and drove to the agents signed the lease, and then moved in the next day.

The landlord called around to fix a few problems and expressed his confusion that the first TWO tenants he had offered it to, had not turned up to sign the lease.

I missed an opportunity to witness on how I believed that this was the house the good Lord wanted me in... oh well. I'm praising and thanking him.

In 2-3 weeks master 22 moves in. Ms 8 enjoyed playing in her new 'bedroom' on Sunday, during her dad time.

So spring has sprung, hot weather is on the increase and I am now Graham7 LOL. G_7

Anonymous said...

See! I meant a hammock! Ha! Still room to swing and enjoy a fine red. How good is God? All the best and the prayers are still coming!


Anonymous said...

congrats sweetie! Are you going to change your blog name?

huggs, kisses, blessings and well wishes headed your way
