Monday, May 22, 2006

quote of the 1/4 century found tonight whilst packing up books:

"we learn in school to value information more highly than behaviour"

'tis true, 'tis true.

And I won't allow my self to sing "if I could turn back time" {insert} wry sad emoticon {/insert} or "can we start again please."

Yet hope for good times, healing and a future of a relationship restored but different, probably apart but at least friendship is my dream. The future is unknown but anything is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friendship is good Graham and a good goal. "Time heals all wounds" is not correct but I know I'm a much better friend to my ex(and him to me)now than the last few years of our marriage.

I used to wonder about turning back time and choosing a different path in life. I realized tho that if that was possible I wouldn't have my daughter. Some trials are worth enduring.

xxooxxoo Tina