Sunday, July 03, 2005

Rain wonderful rain, plenty of rain around Canberra, too much on the north coast of NSW and the Gold Coast. Goulburn still needs more. Our Prayers of Intercession on Sunday include one each week thanking God for the rain we have received and praying for more rain for those areas that need it. It's a prayer being prayed across the Archdiocese.

The winter days are beginning to lengthen again so spring is coming. Cold weather will be the order of the day for several more months yet. Global warming is not a micro weather feature yet.

First semester is over, all assignments have returned to me with satisfactory results in essay writing and research. Beginners enthusiasm seems to have caused me to try to cover too much in my assignments so I am seeing a lecturer mid month to try and get a grip on what is required.
Footnotes gave my lecturers some grief. I have a lot of misunderstanding as to what each lecturer particularly seeks with respect to the correct citing of authors, texts, quotes and page numbers. Hopefully by October 2007 I will have mastered the art of citation.

Master numero uno living son turns 21 on July 6, so we had a surprise party for him on Saturday night. An assortment of relatives and friends recent and past managed to arrive and allow him an enjoyable evening that almost moved him to tears. Sweet boy. His ticket to Austria and the UK have been purchased - 'rock on' September is his song.

Diary entries for me at the agonist have been a bit post and run lately. Time does not allow too much self promotion. So casual readers don't miss out: read them >>>>>here<<<<<<.

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