Saturday, August 07, 2004

from Bishop Anthony Fisher last month:

Such suffering women need to know that they are not alone, not mad. They need the healing and hope that can only come after confronting the truth of abortion. Could this latest film help?
Some years ago I was part of another Channel 4 programme, a panel discussion about the new genetics. I was asked what I thought about prenatal tests which were fast becoming ‘search and destroy’ techniques against the handicapped. Before I could answer, another panellist – who was a notorious embryo experimenter – accused me of thinking all abortion is a sin.

"Of course it’s a sin," piped up a third panellist, Germain Greer. As someone who’d been through the abortion mill and subsequent infertility, she spoke with some authority and passion. She even dared to use the politically incorrect word ‘sin’. Every abortion, she thought, is a sin and women know it in their heart of hearts.

Our society is now so habituated to aborting its young that it has little else to offer women with unplanned pregnancies. We have become so callused by an annual abortion count of 75,000 to 100,000 that we close our eyes to the unborn children destroyed and the women left wounded. And our medical profession has been so corrupted by three decades of this practice that many women find themselves on a treadmill to termination as soon as they enter the consulting room.

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