Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I just watched part of the BBC World news.
A feature item was a look at the waves of USA aircraft flying into Afghanistan to create a huge new airbase. This is being built to try and finish the hunt for UBL. One USA grunt who was interviewed stated inter alia that this was going to stop terrorist attacks in the USA, he will feel safe from aircraft crashing into buildings and will be able to go shopping without worrying about someone have explosives strapped on them going into the malls...

He really meant what he was saying, a true believer that the war on terror will stop terrorism. I remember as a kid the red brigade, the IRA, and the weather underground and assorted attacks on Israelis. There is a collective amnesia that dulls the reasoning of many alive today...

I feel almost paralysed in my ability to do anything about it...
Global concerns however must be addressed at the local level. I will continue to try to be more friendly to those around me, and be more active in promoting peace in the Canberra community.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow- Thanks Graham :) So when does your board open? Yes, help starts at home first- watch out foundations tho. ;)