Thursday, June 03, 2004

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Winter flus have started, I have a sore neck - head - nose - cold thingie happening at present. Paracetemol and Whisky have muted the symptoms somewhat.

Full Moon tonight with loads of clouds scudding across the sky. Little or no rain, however the cloudy conditions have prevented the temperature dropping to freezing point so that is good.

Local news remains pre-occupied with coronial enquiries of bushfires and murder victims, including one case from Norfolk Island. Local reporting of global news remains Iraq prison abuse orientated especially dealing with how much the Australian defence force knew, did not know or did not tell the Aussie govt.
LINKS? You want LINKS >>> use google news like I do.

I will leave you, though, with this morsel (read it slowly and pretend two comedians are having the conversation) (actually one liberal and one labor politician ) :

ROBERT HILL: It was always our preference that either the United States or Britain would be a detaining power in the event of any… the taking of any prisoners with which we were associated because they had the facilities to deal with them, which we didn't have.

LOUISE YAXLEY: Labor's John Faulkner asked a series of questions of how that arrangement was reached.

JOHN FAULKNER: On what basis, on what communication, agreement, negotiation, understanding, memorandum, was this, underpinned this?

ROBERT HILL: Well yes, I've said to you, I believe there was an understanding to that effect on the basis of what I've been told and the exact form of that I don't have here tonight, but if you want to know the form of it I will ask.

LOUISE YAXLEY: The Labor Senator also turned his attention to the senior foreign affairs and trade officials at the Estimates Committee hearing.

OFFICIAL: Senator, I think what we're saying is that we're not aware of whether or not there is or was an arrangement or an understanding and if there was one, we're not aware of the nature of that and on that basis we'd prefer to take this question on numbers.

JOHN FAULKNER: It's not a question of not being aware of the nature of it, you're not aware of the existence of it.
We're now being told...

OFFICIAL: At this point in time Senator, I'd like to take it on prior notice.

JOHN FAULKNER: I find this quite incredible. I'm extremely concerned when we've got the head of the Iraq task force, an eminent lawyer like Mr French before us, Australia's Defence Minister, Mr Chester, who's an expert on everything, and nobody can tell us.

ROBERT HILL: You've just been told.

JOHN FAULKNER: We've been told you don't know.

ROBERT HILL: You don't listen.

JOHN FAULKNER: I do listen. You don't know.

ROBERT HILL: You've been sitting there for too long, getting out of...

JOHN FAULKNER: What is the agreement?

ROBERT HILL: I said I don't know the exact....

JOHN FAULKNER: You don't know, I know you said that.

ROBERT HILL: No, I said I don't know the exact format of the agreement, I know there was an understanding to that effect.

JOHN FAULKNER: An understanding is not good enough, an understanding would be something you could come to in a phone booth out the back, it's some telephone box discussion between people, unknown, persons unknown, at a time unknown and the details unknown. AM current affairs program

If one did not know better one would think Rumsfeld had some input into the conversational style!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Graham!!! I made it :-) ack no smilies


Anonymous said...

what's all this about?
it's fine to rake the muck
but going to these measures
is bound to startle the
please do not make
more than can be handled in a
reasonable regard

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know it was a bit much but I blame the whisky! G_72

Anonymous said...

Ok, I wanna know what evils lurk in the other 28% of your profile! That will keep me coming back.


"Anonymous author of the MDW thread"

P.S. Hope you check for comments on old posts! Just couldn't do a sassy on that Darfur story--I am not that bad.

Anonymous said...


I wanna know what evils lurk in that other 28% of your profile; that will keep me coming back for more!


Yours truly with cheers,

Anonymous author of the MDW thread

P.S. Hope you check the old posts for comments, since I was not about to do a "sassy" on the Darfur story. I do have some shame.

Anonymous said...

would you like me to post it a 3rd time?

I can ya know!



graham said...

the mundane sinfulness of anyone is what dwells in the other 28% of moi!

the 28% : the usual peccadillos that I obsess on and fear, that make me imperfect and prevent me seeing the good within...

Anonymous said...

hmmmm 28%, I agreed with Bush 24% on Time poll. Now I'm scared. ;)


graham said...

I was 32% bush, but with Don overall!