Thursday, May 06, 2004

sorry about the extended posting quietude
but I've been over busy....

Our Archdiocese is having a Synod weekend (which Catholic Dioceses have infrequently) and I am caught up in the business of preparing talks and powerpoint presentations.

The bookshop work is still way behind as well, thanks to the holiday, the Easter break and the Anzac holiday.

Sick of hearing about google - well maybe - I was an orignally tester way back when, and still remember the quizzical looks when I mentioned it to people. Most people I mixed with then were altavista fans....

now google is god

my internet addiction has been under control, my smoking has almost stopped - 1 cigarette every three days at present and i just squeeze in a quick look at the agonist every 6 hours or so.

mike-thanks for the picture, sorry i have not had time to reply..

On the bad news front I have to pull my home computer to bits as it is playing up.

My beloved will not let me near hers coz she is in the middle of university assignments, so it will be another pause between posts...

meanwhile enjoy this fellow: Ron Rolheiser - he pleases me.
on becoming post liberal

weather report- its getting cold, frosts and cool breezes and the sunlight ends almost at the end of the working day.

a family of mice decided to invade the house, which has led us on numerous mouse hunts, snails in the garden are almost non-existent from six months ago, and I have found several frogs as I weeded the ponds in preparation for the winter.

back to the grind of accounts and 'powerpoints'! - you be kind to one another!

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